"Tuggeranong Community Council - Working with our community"
TCC President’s Report –3rd October 2017

TCC President’s Report –3rd October 2017

We now have an official Treasurer as, at our last TCC Executive meeting, we agreed that Sed Bustillo, from our Youth Engagement Committee (currently studying accountancy at the UCAN), will be our official treasurer as of today the 3rd October, his 18th Birthday.  Happy Birthday Sed and Congratulations.

With the support of the local traders in Anketell Street and the Tuggeranong Hyperdome and with members of the TCC running a stall at the Hyperdome, we have well over 475 written signatures on our current bus petition to re-route buses from in front of the Hyperdome.  We also have a significant number of people (over 124) logging onto our on-line petition.  Please sign the petitions available at any of the cafes in Anketell Street or simply fill in online fill at: epetitions.act.gov.au

or go to:tuggcc.com  (Go to Bus petition and click on on-line)

The Tuggeranong Lake Carers with the support of the TCC and the Southern ACT Catchment Group are organising a Clean-up of Lake Tuggeranong on Sunday the 15th October, from 10am to 1pm. Starting at the Sea Scout Hall on Mortimer Lewis Drive, East Greenway, it will end with a free BBQ.

Please come, meet others and help clean up the lake.

We are also looking at waiving fees this year.  I have checked with other Community Councils in Canberra and only one, Inner South, have fees and they are considering waiving them as well.  Later on in the General Business part of the meeting I will bring this up as a proposal as I have been assured by our Public Officer, Mark O’Neil, that as the actual amount of the fee is only mentioned in Policy 8 we don’t need a constitutional change to do this.  Later on in the year we want to look at updating our Constitution but we will talk about this at another time

We are looking at having simplified minutes and refer people to website for more detail eg President Report

We are currently looking at preparing suggestions to put into the Chief Minister and Treasurer’s invitation to share our priorities for the 2018-19 budget.  We will try to take into account the suggestions that came up from the recent Youth Forum but if you have any ideas please let us know.  I am also talking to other groups in the community to see if they have any suggestions that we can also support.

 Other meetings I have been involved with include:

  • Housing meeting 14/9
  • CCC meeting – Sat 16/9
  • Bus petition stall with Wayne at the Tuggeranong Hyperdome on Fri and Saturday the 15 and 16 of September
  • Interview with Canberra Weekly about our current Bus petition – hopefully will be in the newt issue
  • Opening of the new Department of Social Services national headquarters
  • Working on the Annual report

I have been asked to mention that the Red Cross is putting on ACT Community Wills Day on Tuesday 24 October – 3 Dann Close, Garren.  Ring 1800 811 700.

The next meeting of the TCC will be held on the 3rd October at the Tuggeranong Town Centre Club where we will hear from the Southern ACT Catchment Group, the Tuggeranong Hyperdome and possibly Federal Member Gai Brotmann.

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