As part of the Clean-up Australia Day program, the Tuggeranong Lake Carers, with the support of the Tuggeranong Community Council, the Southern ACT Catchment Group and the Tuggeranong Sea Scouts organised a Lake Tuggeranong clean-up on Sunday the 5th March
Participants registered at the Lake Tuggeranong Sea Scout Hall as well as behind the Tuggeranong Library. We had 47 people register on the day, of which approximately 20 were Scouts/Cubs and their leaders from the Tuggeranong Sea Scouts, who took to the water to clean-up the lake itself. The rest were local residents who wanted to participate and make a cleaner Lake Tuggeranong.
After 1pm the scouts took a trailer around to pick up on any additional bags from designated points, so the total count of rubbish bags collected was sixteen of bags of recycling materials and twenty two bags of rubbish, a total of thirty eight bags plus garbage bins, pallets and other bits and pieces.
It is interesting that since we started these bi-annual clean-ups the number of bags collected (with the same number of people going out to collect rubbish) has declined.
We believe this is because of:
- The Container Deposit scheme operating on the ACT for the last couple of years
- People are more aware of throwing rubbish around due to ongoing events such as this – we also organise a Spring clean-up and general awareness raising
Following the clean-up the TCC cooked up a sausage sizzle for all participants
Everybody was most enthusiastic. It was a very successful day.
Glenys Patulny
Tuggeranong Lake Carer