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"Tuggeranong Community Council - Working with our community"
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Next Meeting 1 Feb 22

The Tuggeranong Community Council hosts the February General Meeting on Tuesday 1 February 2022 commencing at 7:30pm on ZOOM only. The focus of the meeting will be the ACT Government’s Bushfire Smoke and Air Quality Strategy 2021-2025. Environment Minister Rebecca Vassarotti will speak on the …

Lake Tuggeranong Clean-up – Sunday the 14th November 2021

On Sunday the 14th November, under extremely poor windy weather conditions, forty three keen people came to help us clean up Lake Tuggeranong. Members of the Tuggeranong Lake Carers (TLC), Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC), Tuggeranong Sea Scouts, and other volunteers came from not just parts of Tuggeranong but many other areas of Canberra to help out.

Clean-Up Lake Tuggeranong Sunday 14th November. Please Come and Help

Tuggeranong Lake Carers with the support of the Tuggeranong Community Council the Southern ACT Catchment Group, the Tuggeranong Sea Scouts and the Tuggeranong Rowing Club are organising a Clean-Up of Lake Tuggeranong on Sunday 14<sup>th</sup> November, from 10am to 1pm.

Please join us and register at the Sea Scout Hall on Mortimer Lewis Drive, East Greenway and bring gloves, a hat and water bottle.

Tuggeranong Community Council Youth Engagement Forum 2021 Summary Report

Here is the final Summary Report of the TCC Youth Engagement Forum 2021 which is a culmination  of ideas and opinions from  thirty three students from seven different high schools and colleges in the Tuggeranong region.  A copy of it will also be sent to all participants, all table facilitators, all principals of all high schools and colleges in the region as well as to relevant ACT government departments.