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6 Dec 22 Next Meeting

7.30pm Tuesday 6th December, 2022. Town Centre Vikings, Greenway and ZOOM

We will hear from Transport Canberra about road quality (including potholes) and proposed changes to the public transport networks. We will also hear about the new proposed Circular Economy from ACT No Waste. This short meeting will be follow by a social get together with Nibbles and a Free drink upstairs.


We required all participants to pre-register as a security requirement.

New date for Lake Cleanup

As we had to cancel Sunday’s Lake Cleanup, we have decided to have a slightly different Lake Cleanup on Saturday the 19th November, starting at the grassy area between the Tuggeranong Library and the Tuggeranong Community Centre, Cowlishaw Street, Greenway.

Please come and help us cleanup the the LakeTuggeranong area

Tuggeranong Community Council supports Lake Tuggeranong Clean-up on Sunday 13 November, 2022

Tuggeranong Lake Carers with the support of the Tuggeranong Community Council, the Southern ACT Catchment Group and the Tuggeranong Sea Scouts are organising a Clean-up of Lake Tuggeranong on Sunday the 13th November, from 10am to 1pm. Starting at the Sea Scout Hall on Mortimer …

Next Meeting Tuesday 1 Nov 22

Next Community Council Meeting – 7:30pm, Tuedsay 1st November 2022 Town Centre Vikings, Greenway and on ZOOM – We required all participants to pre-register as a security requirement. We will hear from Ben Ponton, the Director-general of the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development directorate talking about …