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"Tuggeranong Community Council - Working with our community"
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Submission to Queanbeyan City Council on South Tralee – 2 November 2010

UPDATE: TCC encourage all residents concerned about aircraft noise sharing resulting from the development of South Tralee to attend Queanbeyan City Council’s extraordinary meeting – Wednesday 17 November 5:30pm at Council Chambers, 253 Crawford Street, Queanbeyan – more details: The Tuggeranong Community Council made …

ACT Clean Economy

Have your say on ACT Clean Economy The ACT Government invites you to participate in the development of a clean economy strategy for the Territory. The direction of the strategy will be guided by a scoping study by the University of Canberra: Framework for an …

New TCC Executive 2010

The Tuggeranong Community Council has welcomed new blood to its executive ranks following its Annual General Meeting on 7 September. New executive members include Susan Penn-Turrall and Dugald Holmes. Alison Ryan was elected as a committee member. Following the AGM President Darryl Johnston thanked Richard …

2010 Tuggeranong Festival

The 22nd Tuggeranong Festival will be launched on Friday, 26 November 2010 with festivities in Cowlishaw Street. The Festival continues on Saturday 27 November with markets, music, dance, sideshow rides and exhibitions in and around the Tuggeranong Town Park. All entertainment is free-to-the-community aimed at …