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"Tuggeranong Community Council - Working with our community"
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Senate Community Affairs Committee Inquiry into the impacts on health of air quality in Australia 17 May 2013

The Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) was among groups to give evidence before a government committee inquiring into air quality and public health. TCC Secretary, Darryl Johnston and TCC member, Rusty Woodward were among those to give evidence before the Senate Community Affairs Committee inquiry into …

Message from the President

Dear members and friends, Shane Rattenbury MLA, Minister for Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) will be guest speaker at our next TCC meeting on Tuesday, 5 March.  (Click on the following link for a copy of the meeting agenda: TCC Agenda 5 March 2013) Mr Rattenbury will brief us on theTuggeranong Town Park Masterplan. This …


TCC Tralee Statement 25 July 2013 Media Release downgrading of WIN TV News Canberra 28 June 2013 Media Release CIT 24 June 2013 Media Release Wannissa Hills Primary School 7 June 2013 Media Statement 14 April 2013 Media Release Sen Gary Humphries and Zed Seselja …


Joint Media Release Calwell Park and Ride 26 November 2012 TCC-Tralee-resolution-Media-Release-20-November-2012 TCC-Tralee-Media-Release-13-November-2012 TCC-Election-Forum-Media-Release Media-Release-TCC-elects-new-president-4-Sept-2012 SACTCG Lake Tuggeranong Media Release TCC Petrol Media Release 28 June 2012 TCC ACT Budget Statement 6 June 2012 TCC Wood Heater Legislation Media Statement 1 June 2012 Media Release Lake …