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Chronicle – Aug 15

Finally, active consultation on how we can improve the quality of water in Lake Tuggeranong. On Tuesday 28 July, the Basin Priority Project team held an Open House forum “designed to give community members the opportunity to explore and discuss options for water quality infrastructure development in Lake Tuggeranong”. It was an opportunity to meet the project team and give them additional ideas for water quality infrastructure and feedback on the options presented by consultants. There were 30 suggestions relating to various areas of the Tuggeranong Catchment as well as10 in-lake suggestions. The Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) has put in a submission noting our preferences, which can be seen on our Website.

TCC Presents report August 2015

Welcome everybody. – It is a sad month for all of us on the Tuggeranong Community Council, as we learnt of the passing of our much loved and dedicated Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) President, Eric Traise.

Eric passed away early Monday morning, 13 July after a long illness. The retired Royal Australian Air Force Officer from Newcastle served on the TCC for many years as a general member, Treasurer and TCC President in 2013 and, despite his illness, he stood and was re-elected for 2nd term in September 2014. He also served as Chair of Canberra Airport’s Community Aviation Consultative Group.

National Capital Exposure Plan Comments

At a recent meeting of the Tuggeranong Community Council the National Capital Exposure Plan was discussed and a vote taken to find out Council members’ feelings on the subject.
The majority of people who attended the meeting were in favour of the Plan and wanted a clearer definition of the role of the NCA in planning in the ACT and better efficiencies in strategic planning processes

Chronicle – Jul 15

An increase in the number of footpaths and more education required for cyclists who use the shared pedestrian/cycle paths are some of the things that came out of the last TCC meeting when representatives from the Heart Foundation addressed the council about their recent survey which resulted in Tuggeranong being called the “fattest and laziest suburb in Canberra”. They advised that Tuggeranong overall showed a better result than the “National” average and other areas in Canberra with poor results were also on the fringes of Canberra, where people needed to use their cars to get to work etc. They stressed the importance of thirty minutes of exercise a day e.g. walking. Members commented on the lack of footpaths in many suburbs and the need for wider paths to assist both pedestrians and cyclists. A resident advised the meeting “I won’t walk on the paths anymore as I was almost run over by a cyclist”. The Council will continue to lobby for improved footpaths and continued education for cyclists.

TCC Presents report July 2015

Welcome everybody. It is good to see you out on such a cold night. A lot has happened over the last month with many meetings to bring groups together in the Tuggeranong Valley so we can better support the Tuggeranong community. These meetings included meeting with Adrian Brown from the Tuggeranong Action Group to determine our common interests and work out how we could best work together to go forward. Adrian has said he is happy to work with us to form or for his group to become an activity/events subcommittee of the TCC. Later in the meeting Adrain will talk about ways we could promote and support Tuggeranong. I would also like to remind people again that there are a number of TCC subcommittees that you might like to join: Environment, the Health and Community, the Planning and Development and Transport. Please feel free to sign up at the back table.

Chronicle – Jun 15

It is a sad month for all of us on the Tuggeranong Community Council, as we learnt of the passing of our much loved and dedicated Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) President, Eric Traise.

Eric passed away early Monday morning, 13 July after a long illness. The retired Royal Australian Air Force Officer from Newcastle served on the TCC for many years as a general member, Treasurer and TCC President in 2013 and, despite his illness, he stood and was re-elected for 2nd term in September 2014. He also served as Chair of Canberra Airport’s Community Aviation Consultative Group.