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Chronicle – October 2015

At our last meeting, we were informed by Matt Kendall, the Executive Manager, Catchment Management and Water Policy section, that recommendations relating to improving water quality in Lake Tuggeranong would be submitted to the Cabinet in November. The approved recommendations would then be forwarded to the Commonwealth for approval, with public announcements of approved funding happening in March 2016. We all want something to happen soon, as again, Lake Tuggeranong is, and has been closed for the past month to primary use. Because of this, the Tuggeranong Lake Carers have decided to cancel the proposed lake clean-up as some members are concerned about of health implications if this were to continue at this time. Instead they are planning to do some erosion mitigation near the Wanniassa inlet of Lake Tuggeranong. We will let the community know when the date has been finalised (via the TCC website). If anyone is interested in helping out in this endeavour please ring us on 0431 235 970.

Report to TCC General Meeting 6th October, 2015

I would like to formally acknowledge our new TCC committee Wayne, Vice President, Paul Secretary, max Treasurer, Tom, Minutes Secretary, Bev 2nd Vice President and Public officer and Darryl our Webmaster.

As said at the AGM, the aim of this committee will be to promote the TCC and the Tuggeranong Community to, Inform members of the community of what is happening, and promote and support the Tuggeranong community as appropriate

New TCC Executive Team

The Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) has elected a new Executive Team with some new faces.  Former Vice President, Glenys Patulny has taken over the helm. In accepting the role as TCC President, Glenys paid tribute to former president, Eric Traise who served two terms and …

Report to TCC General Meeting 1ST Sepember, 2015

(Welcome everybody) Welcome to you all this evening and a special welcome to visitors attending tonight.

More than 140 people attended a memorial service on Friday 14 August, for our highly respected TCC President, Eric Traise who passed away last month. The service was held at University House at the Australian National University. It was attended by family, friends, TCC members, former RAAF and Air Services Australia colleagues and local politicians. The number and caliber of those who attended was testament to the high regard and respect in which Eric Traise was held throughout the community.

Park Bench Dedication

The Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) has dedicated a park bench in Tuggeranong Town Park in memory of Rusty Woodward.  Rusty was a member of the TCC, the founding president of the 55-Plus Club, the driving force behind the establishment of the Tuggeranong Senior Citizens Centre and …