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Chronicle – May 16

$27 million to clean up Lake Tuggeranong was announced on Thursday 19 May. The money mentioned should make a great contribution to improving water quality in Lake Tuggeranong. Come to our next Tuggeranong Community Council meeting on Tuesday the 7th June to hear the details.

Meeting Notice

Notice of the next meeting of the Tuggeranong Community Council. Meeting will be held on 3 May 2016 at the Southern Cross Club Tuggeranong, starting at 7:30pm. Upstairs function room. Speakers include: Meegan Fitzharris MLA and Emma Thomas speaking on behalf of Transport Canberra; the Council …

Chronicle – Apr 16

Debate over Thompson and new Youth Sub Committee for the Council. We had almost 80 people attend our last TCC meeting to hear Minister Mick Gentleman talk about the proposed new suburb in Tuggeranong of ‘Thompson’. Participants raised many issues and many expressed concerns about the lack of environmental assessment, reducing native habitat and the negative environmental impact of such a development could have on the river.

Chronicle – Mar 16

Lake Tuggeranong College students talking about what they want for Tuggeranong will be the first presentation at our next meeting on Tuesday 5 April. 7.30pm, at the Tuggeranong Southern Cross Club. It will be great to hear the opinions of some of the younger members of our community and it will be the beginnings of closer relationship with the College. Minister Mick Gentleman will then talk about the new proposed suburb at Tuggeranong and then we will hear about “Menslink”. Come and listen to these presentations and be involved in what is happening in the Tuggeranong community.

Chronicle – Feb 16

I wish to give a big farewell to a great asset to the Tuggeranong Valley as regretfully, Darryl Johnston, a former president, has decided to resign from the Council. In his email to me he said “I have served on the Council for many years I have worked with many people, made many friends and worked on many projects for the benefit of our community. You, are supported by a good team of dedicated, effective, committed and community minded people. I now feel it is now time for me to move on to new fields. I wish you, your Executive and all the TCC members the best of success in 2016. “ Darryl has contributed significantly to the Council over a number of years, not only as a general member but as President from 2009 to 2012, where he worked hard to update and modernise the Council operations, including