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TCC President’s Report – 7th June 2016

It has been a very exciting month for Tuggeranong with announcements:

  • On the 19 May that the Federal Government has committed $27 million to clean up Lake Tuggeranong. This money mentioned, together with the $4 million the ACT government has committed in today’s budget should make a great contribution to improving water quality in Lake Tuggeranong. Thanks go to all those who have supported and pushed for this result, particularly our Federal members and our local MLAs from both parties. We will hear the details later tonight
  • Ashley drive will be fully duplicated to Johnson Drive
  • New SES centre at Calwell
  • A new Park and Ride facility at Wanniassa
  • Shopping centre upgrade at Kambah Village and new street furniture and outdoor space upgrades in Anketell St, Tuggeranong
  • Trail green bins for Kambah
  • Hearing about the Vikings Club Proposal for future development

Improved Access to Public Transport for Tuggeranong in the ACT Budget

Joy Burch MLA, Member for Brindabella, today celebrated a new Park and Ride facility at the Wanniassa Group Centre, and how it will increase access to public transport for Tuggeranong residents.

“The ACT Government has today announced the Wanniassa Park and Ride and two extra bus stops along the blue rapid route at the Wanniassa Group Centre, to be funded in this year’s ACT Budget,” said Joy Burch.

More funding to clean up and improve Canberra’s beautiful suburbs and shops

Meegan Fitzharris (MLA) has issued the following media release:

Suburbs across Canberra will see the benefits of even more cleaning, mowing and local shop upgrades in this year’s Budget, with a new investment of over $12 million to ensure our city remains the most liveable in the world.

Next Meeting – 7 June 2016

mtgThe next meeting of the Tuggeranong Council will be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 7th June at the Tuggeranong Southern Cross Club. We will be hearing details about what the $27 committed by the federal government will do to improve water quality here in Lake Tuggeranong We will also be hearing the latest about the National Broadband Network (NBN) and receive an update about what is happening in South Quay.