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Next Meeting – 2 August 2016

mtg_narrow_smallA SPECIAL NOTICE! – Future Tuggeranong Community Council Meetings will now be held at a new venue: The Vikings Town Centre Club, Tuggeranong
At our meeting on the 2nd August to be held at Vikings:

  • Anthony Hill, the CEO of the Vikings Club will talk about their redevelopment proposal
  • Students from St Mary MacKillop College will talk about what they want for Tuggeranong.
  • We also will hear about the latest on Southquay

Icon Water‘s – Community Consultative Forum

On behalf of the Tuggeranong Community Council, I attended on Thursday, 9th June the “Inaugural Meeting” of the Icon Water Community Consultative Forum. This has been formed re Icon Water’s commitment to “two way engagement with the community and the value of leveraging/monitoring the experience and information of forum members to the organisation.”

Chronicle – June 16

What a month. At our last council meeting we heard details how the $27 million committed to improve water quality in Lake Tuggeranong would be spent. We learnt about the proposed nine in-lake and catchment projects and the timeline for implementation. These projects should make a great contribution to improving water quality in Lake Tuggeranong.