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TCC President’s Report – 2nd August 2016

It has been another eventful month for Tuggeranong. Hopefully by now you will have seen our new website and have had a chance to look and respond to our long awaited Tuggeranong Livability Survey, designed to find our what people want for Tuggeranong. It can be seen on our website at

With Brendan Smith’s retirement from the Legislative Assembly, I would like to acknowledge the work that he has done for us over the 21 years he has been attending the Tuggeranong Community Council. He is, I think, the longest serving member and probably been one, if not the most regular. He has always been willing to listen to our concerns and been happy to pass them on to the government.

Meeting Presentations 5 July 16

Matthew Ruffin, Progressive Sustainability, spoke on behalf of ACTewAGL about how to Save energy but still be warm in winter.  For further information Sarah Fowler, Ruvimbo Matsika and Sed Lex Bustilo spoke about what Erindale students want for Tuggeranong Joy Terry from CIT Business …