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Youth Engagement Sub Committee

Youth Engagement is a newly formed subcommittee of the Tuggeranong Community Council. Run and managed by youth, the subcommittee enjoys the membership of many youth in Tuggeranong and surrounding areas. The youth in the subcommittee have a strong passion for developing their own skills though management and administration roles, as well as supporting their peers in the community.

TCC President’s Report – 7th March 2017

On Sunday 5th March as part of Clean Up Australia Day over fifty people helped clean up the Lake. Organised by the Tuggeranong Lake Carers (TLC) over thirty two bags of rubbish were collected as well as multiple shopping trolleys, a number of mattresses and other debris. The TLC were well supported by Tuggeranong Community Council then put on a BBQ for all participants and the Tuggeranong Sea Scouts who had well over 20 scouts, cubs and parents helping out, including suppling a car, trailer and driver to go around to pick up rubbish left in various pre determined points and bring back to the Scout Hall.

TCC President’s Report – 7th February 2017

I hope you all had a good break, we at the Tuggeranong Community Council are now gearing up for the new year. We will be looking at following up on issues identified by our recent survey i.e. ways to revitalise the Tuggeranong Town Centre, emphasing the need for upgrades to town centres in Tuggeranong particularly Kambah Village, pushing for better roads and public transport in the region as well as ensuring that the importance of work to improve the health of Lake Tuggeranong begins. We are also looking at the possibility of organising/supporting a possible Street Market/Festival later this year. To this end we will approach the government to see if they are able to support us in this endeavour.

Next Meeting – 4 Apr 17

The next meeting of the TCC will be held on the 4th April at the Tuggeranong Town Centre Club where we will hear about ACT Healthy Waterways including an update about what is happening with the projects starting about Lake Tuggeranong. We will also learn about H2OK a new Stormwater Education that was launched in Tuggeranong last week and have an update from Purdon Planning about the latest development in Southquay . In May Trinity students will be talking in May about what they want for Tuggeranong

Next Meeting – 7 Mar 17

The next meeting of the TCC will be held on the 7th March at the Tuggeranong Town Centre Club where we will hear from Minister Mick Gentleman, Minister for Planning and Land Management, Environment and Heritage, Urban Renewal, Police and Emerging Services and Manager of Government Business, who will update us on Government Business, particularly as it relates to Tuggeranong and his portfolios. We will also have an update from the Viking Club on their plans for future development.