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"Tuggeranong Community Council - Working with our community"
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Next Meeting – 6 Jun 17

The next meeting of the Tuggeranong Community Council will be held on the 6th June at the Vikings Tuggeranong Town Centre Club where we will hearing from the “Communities @ Work” team about the work they do here in Tuggeranong as well as around Canberra. We will also hear the latest about public Housing here in Tuggeranong.

European Wasp Warning

Council has received the following information from Jenny Connoly (Invasive Species Officer, City Services) regarding the current European Wasp situation in the ACT. Please heed the warning and be cautious as these wasps are aggressive and the consequences from multiple wasp stings are very serious indeed.

Next Meeting – 2 May 17

The next meeting of the TCC will be held on the 2nd May at the Tuggeranong Town Centre Club where we will hear about the work of the St Vincent De Paul Society in Tuggeranong from John Feint, the Regional President of the St Vincent De Paul Society for Tuggeranong and Monaro. Students from Trinity Christian School will then talk to us about what they want for Tuggeranong

Have Your Say on What we Want for Canberra

Various community groups are getting together to start work on building a shared vision of Canberra, through the eyes of the community. They want to develop “a sense of solidarity, more collaborations, and the development of a meaningful road-map to a better future”. Therefore at 6.30pm on Wednesday the 19th April at the Tuggeranong Community Centre, there will be an opportunity to participate and bring you ideas to developing “Community Pathways to a Better Future”

Response to Revised Draft EIS – Proposed Non-Recyclables Plastic to Fuel Facility, Hume

While Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) recognises the value of converting waste into useful products and the introduction of new recycling technologies, in appropriate locations, the ACT government needs to ensure that such a facility is safe, non-polluting and offers significant benefits over residual risks posed to nearby residents or the many workers in the industrial precinct of Hume itself, throughout all of any agreed lease period for the site.