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"Tuggeranong Community Council - Working with our community"
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Youth Engagement Survey

The Tuggeranong Community Council’s Youth Engagement sub-committee has developed a survey to help us better determine what young people want for Tuggeranong. We want to pass on their concerns to the relevant people and incorporate their ideas into possible future submissions to government.

Therefore if you are 15 to 25 years of age, please do this survey and/or ask others in this age group, who live or attend school in Tuggeranong to also do it.

Click to do the survey

Next Meeting – 1 Oct

The Tuggeranong Community Council meet on the first Tuesday of each month February through to December. We meet at the Vikings Town Centre Club, Cnr Athllon Drive and Rowland Crescent, Greenway. Meetings start at 7:30pm At our next meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday the 1st …

SouthFest 2019

On Saturday 16 November, from 10am-3pm, over 200 organisations big and small will collaborate to deliver one big party that will bring the whole community together for a day of celebration, markets, food, activity and entertainment.

Next Meeting – 3 Sep

At the next meeting of the Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) at 7.30pm on Tuesday the 3rd September, we hope to hear about the new ‘Have Your Say Community Panel’ that the government is currently establishing.  This will be followed by the Tuggeranong Community Council AGM …

Next Meeting – 6 Aug

Come and hear about ‘Future options for Gas in the ACT’ and the work of ‘Lions Youth Haven and the Kambah Lions Club’ at the next meeting of the Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) at 7.30pm on Tuesday night the 6th August.  All TCC meeting are held the first Tuesday of the Month, downstairs at the Vikings Town Centre Club, cnr Athlon Drive and Rowland Crescent, Greenway.

Removing Buses permanently from Anketell Street

In 2017 the Tuggeranong Community lodged a petition at the ACT Legislative Assembly to remove buses from Anketell Street. Interestingly enough, the works being done on Anketell street has required re-routing the buses to the route suggested by us in the petition.  We have therefore send a letter asking that,” when the road works are finished in Anketell Street, that the buses continue to go on their current detour to the interchange via Reed, Cowlishaw and Pitman Street to the Tuggeranong Interchange” until a new Tuggeranong Interchange is build which would allow buses to go up and down Pitman Street and alleviate the need to use Cowlishaw street.

Lake Tuggeranong Research update

At our last TCC meeting we had a talk from Dr Fiona Dyer and Rod Ubrihen from the University of Canberra, who spoke about the research being undertaken on Lake Tuggeranong to stop the annual blue green algal infestations that happens every summer when the heat rises. They said to date, the results were inconclusive and their final report will be submitted to government when all the results are fully analysed. They also indicated that more research would be needed.  Accordingly the Council has written to the Chief Minister asking that ongoing funds be made available for further research and when a solution is decided upon that it be adequately funded.

Next Meeting – 4 June

The next meeting of the TCC will be held on the 4th June at the Vikings Town Centre Club, cnr Athlon Drive and Rowland Crescent Greenway., where we will hear about phasing out single use plastics, meeting the new CEO of Communities at Work and hearing about their work. We are also hoping to have someone come and talk to us about energy rebates. The meeting will go from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.