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Next Meeting 3 Mar 20

We will hear from Minister Mick Gentleman speaking on Bush Fire Response to Recovery. We will also hear from Evoenergy on the Gas Network 5 Year Plan Consultation and the Youth Sub Committee will report on the findings of the Youth Survey.

Next Meeting 4 Feb 20

The speaker will be Dave Burnet,  OzHarvest ACT and Territories Manager. OzHarvest provides  food rescue services and educational programmes with the wider purpose of Nourishing Our Country. The Tuggeranong Community Council meetings are on the first Tuesday of each month (not January) commencing at 7:30pm at Town Centre Vikings Corner Athllon …

Tuggeranong Community Survey 2019

The Tuggeranong Community Council invites you to have you say on what you value and what you consider to be the most important issues affecting our community and what changes they would like to make Tuggeranong a better place to live. Your feedback will help inform the Council on the key issues of concern to residents and will be used to advocate for change in future discussions with the ACT Government and other bodies.

Next Meeting – 3 Dec

Minister Chris Steel will give us an update about his portfolios of Transport Canberra and City Services.  He should be able to tell us if the buses will be removed from Anketell Street as the Tuggeranong Community Council and many Tuggeranong residents (via a survey) have …

Next Meeting – 5 Nov

On Tuesday the 5th November, Minister Shane Rattenbury will be telling us all about the ACT Climate Change Strategy: 2019-2045 and Canberra’s Living Infrastructure Plan: Cooling the City.  He will talk about how these strategies will help reduce our emissions. We will also hear the latest on how the Energy Efficiency Improvement Scheme can benefit you. The Tuggeranong Community Council meet on the first Tuesday of each month February through to December. We meet at the Vikings Town Centre Club, Cnr Athllon Drive and Rowland Crescent, Greenway. Meetings start at 7:30pm

Tuggeranong Youth Conversation on Climate Change

Communities@Work, supported by the Tuggeranong Community Council’s Youth Engagement Committee and the YWCA Canberra, invites young people in Tuggeranong to join Lauchlan Duncan and Stephanie Wilson from Climate Change and Sustainability and Kirilly Dickson Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment, around a table over pizza to discuss issues

Floriade in the Suburbs

Events ACT is organising a new series of community events running in conjunction with Floriade, called Floriade in the Suburbs. It will reflect iconic Floriade elements including a small number of pink wheelbarrows of live flowers, colourful banner flags, and a life-size gnome created by …