"Tuggeranong Community Council - Working with our community"
Category: <span>Media Coverage</span>

Chronicle – Jan 16

Well, 2016 is upon us and it looks like being a busy one for the Tuggeranong Community Council. We should hear in March from the Murray Darling Basin Project people about what activities have been approved in the Tuggeranong Lake Catchment area to improve water quality and amenity in the area, so we no longer have smells in summer and we could paddle, swim and Triathlons might actually be held in Lake Tuggeranong.

Chronicle – Dec 15

Little or no landfill needed in the future! No such thing as waste but materials that can be recycled and actually bring income into the ACT economy! Wouldn’t that be great! Members of the Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) have attended meetings of the new ACT Waste Feasibility Study, which aims at giving options to government on how to handle all waste generated or processed within the ACT over the next 10-50 years. The objective is to maximise recycling and reusing while minimising landfilling. This can’t come to soon for the people of Fadden who are currently suffering from recurring smells from the Mugga tip – a concern that needs to be looked into.

Chronicle – Nov 15

Interested in helping out with an activity around Lake Tuggeranong? Ring 0411161948 if you want to be involved in a revegetation activity around the Wanniassa inlet. The Tuggeranong Lake Carers (TLC) with the support of the Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) are holding this event on Saturday 28 November from 8.30–11am. This is one of the few activities the TLC can organise around the Lake as the ongoing Lake closure is causing health concerns leading to us cancel some events on and around the Lake.

Chronicle – October 2015

At our last meeting, we were informed by Matt Kendall, the Executive Manager, Catchment Management and Water Policy section, that recommendations relating to improving water quality in Lake Tuggeranong would be submitted to the Cabinet in November. The approved recommendations would then be forwarded to the Commonwealth for approval, with public announcements of approved funding happening in March 2016. We all want something to happen soon, as again, Lake Tuggeranong is, and has been closed for the past month to primary use. Because of this, the Tuggeranong Lake Carers have decided to cancel the proposed lake clean-up as some members are concerned about of health implications if this were to continue at this time. Instead they are planning to do some erosion mitigation near the Wanniassa inlet of Lake Tuggeranong. We will let the community know when the date has been finalised (via the TCC website). If anyone is interested in helping out in this endeavour please ring us on 0431 235 970.

Chronicle – Aug 15

Finally, active consultation on how we can improve the quality of water in Lake Tuggeranong. On Tuesday 28 July, the Basin Priority Project team held an Open House forum “designed to give community members the opportunity to explore and discuss options for water quality infrastructure development in Lake Tuggeranong”. It was an opportunity to meet the project team and give them additional ideas for water quality infrastructure and feedback on the options presented by consultants. There were 30 suggestions relating to various areas of the Tuggeranong Catchment as well as10 in-lake suggestions. The Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) has put in a submission noting our preferences, which can be seen on our Website.

Chronicle – Jul 15

An increase in the number of footpaths and more education required for cyclists who use the shared pedestrian/cycle paths are some of the things that came out of the last TCC meeting when representatives from the Heart Foundation addressed the council about their recent survey which resulted in Tuggeranong being called the “fattest and laziest suburb in Canberra”. They advised that Tuggeranong overall showed a better result than the “National” average and other areas in Canberra with poor results were also on the fringes of Canberra, where people needed to use their cars to get to work etc. They stressed the importance of thirty minutes of exercise a day e.g. walking. Members commented on the lack of footpaths in many suburbs and the need for wider paths to assist both pedestrians and cyclists. A resident advised the meeting “I won’t walk on the paths anymore as I was almost run over by a cyclist”. The Council will continue to lobby for improved footpaths and continued education for cyclists.

Chronicle – Jun 15

It is a sad month for all of us on the Tuggeranong Community Council, as we learnt of the passing of our much loved and dedicated Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) President, Eric Traise.

Eric passed away early Monday morning, 13 July after a long illness. The retired Royal Australian Air Force Officer from Newcastle served on the TCC for many years as a general member, Treasurer and TCC President in 2013 and, despite his illness, he stood and was re-elected for 2nd term in September 2014. He also served as Chair of Canberra Airport’s Community Aviation Consultative Group.

Media Coverage 2013

Sthside Chron 10 Sept 2013 Sthside Chron 3 Sept 2013 Sthside Chron 6 Aug 2013 Chronicle 30 April 2013  Chronicle 30 April 2013  Chronicle 23 April 2013  Southside Chronicle Page 10 Tuesday 9 April 2013 Southside Chronicle Page 8 Tuesday 9 April 2013 Canberra Times …

Media coverage 2012

Sthside Chronicle 27 Nov 2012 2 Sthside Chronicle 27 Nov 2012 Sthside Chronicle 20 Nov 2012 Canberra Times 14 Nov 2012 Sthside Chronicle 13 Nov 2012 Sthside Chronicle 30 October 2012 Sthside Chronicle 9 Oct 2012 Southside Chronicle 25 September 2012 Southside Chronicle 25 September …