"Tuggeranong Community Council - Working with our community"
Next Meeting 1 Feb 22

Next Meeting 1 Feb 22

The Tuggeranong Community Council hosts the February General Meeting on Tuesday 1 February 2022 commencing at 7:30pm on ZOOM only.

The focus of the meeting will be the ACT Government’s Bushfire Smoke and Air Quality Strategy 2021-2025. Environment Minister Rebecca Vassarotti will speak on the strategy.

The inversion layers of Tuggeranong Valley are renowned for trapping smoke. Is it time to rethink our winter heating to maintain our air quality?

The meeting will be conducted on ZOOM only with no in-person meeting.

Register for ZOOM at:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMoc-CrrzsjEtACIfBpqTC2tixkrXRlNVnH

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