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Tuggeranong Community Council Bus Petition now live

The Tuggeranong Community Council Bus Petition is now live and available  HERE and closes 7 November 2017

In a previous meeting the Tuggeranong Community Council resolved unanimously that the community would like the buses removed from using Anketell Street in front of the Hyperdome. The recent Tuggeranong Liveability Survey identified revitalisation the Tuggeranong Town Centre as the biggest concern. The single biggest impact on the amenity and revitalisation of the area, is the use of Anketell Street by ACTION buses.  This street is directly in front of the Hyperdome and houses many outdoor cafes where people want to sit, eat and talk in a healthy environment.  This is very difficult to do comfortably when every few minutes, buses go along this street on the way to the Tuggeranong Interchange.   

Please sign the petitions available at any of the cafes in Anketell Street or simply fill in online. 

If you have difficulty filling in on line please check to ensure your email address is in lower case.

Tuggeranong Community Council Youth Engagement Forum 2024

Please see what the Youth of Tuggeranong have concerns about. The TCC Youth Engagement Forum has been run annually since 2017 (with the support of Communities at Work) where we invite students from each high school and college in Tuggeranong to come and give their opinions on various topics.  These topics are decided by the committee who look at the results of our annual Youth Survey for guidance. It was a very productive Forum with  table facilitators from many government departments being actively involved

We had comments back from the students e.g.  “Made me feel more free to talk *****Need more stuff like this thby would join the community!!”, “Didn’t expect this to be this fun”, “Very good, I feel heard” plus others (see below) that showed it to be a very worthwhile event – they wanted to be heard!

All feedback provided from the participants will be collated and a summary report provided to all participating schools. The summary will be circulated to relevant ACT Government Directorates, where applicable.  The Tuggeranong Community Council will also incorporate overarching themes into submissions provided to the ACT Government and advocate on behalf of young people within the region.

Community Survey, 2024

If you are interested in what is happening in Tuggeranong and want to comment on what you think should be happening here, please fill in the following survey.The 2024 Community Survey will inform and focus our advocacy in this election year.

The Community Survey is complemented by our annual Youth Survey.

Next meeting – 7 May 24

If you want to find out about what is happening with our Murrumbidgee River come and listen to Andy Lowes, the Chair of the Upper Murrumbidgee Catchment Network (UMCN). He will be talking about water management in the Upper Murrumbidgee River and what it means for the ACT and region. He also works for the Australian River Restoration Centre.

We will also have an overview on the approach to developing Healthy Waterways Plans including Lake Tuggeranong, from Woo O’Reilly, Senior Catchment Planner at the ACT Office of Water.

Next Meeting 2 Apr 24

Our Next Meeting – 7.30pm Tuesday 2nd April, 2024. Town Centre Vikings, Greenway and via ZOOM Please come and join us at the next Tuggeranong Community Council Meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday, the 2nd April at Vikings Town Centre Club, Greenway. We will hear have an …

Notice to Members re Next Meeting 2 Apr 24

At the General Meeting of the Tuggeranong Community Council Inc to be held on 2 April 2024 at 7:30 pm a Special Resolution will be considered to amend the Constitution of the Council.

A Resolution will also be considered to adopt supporting By-Laws.

Voting will be conducted in advance of the General Meeting by an electronic voting system.

Details will be circulated by the Secretary.

Andrew Johnson

Next Meeting 5 Mar 24

Our Next Meeting – 7.30pm Tuesday 5th March, 2024. Town Centre Vikings, Greenway and via ZOOM Please come and join us at the next Tuggeranong Community Council Meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday, the 5th March at Vikings Town Centre Club, Greenway. We will hear from Transport …